Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Herbal First Aid


By Louise Plant

There are a wide range of herbs that you can look to be growing in your garden that can become an essential component of your medicine cabinet. This article looks at some of these herbs that can be used as first aid measures.
This list is a few suggestions of the more common herbs that could be kept on hand in the need of first aid.

Aloe Vera is an essential part to any Australian household. It is the best thing for minor burns. I tend to keep some in the fridge during the summer months as it is so effective for any sunburn and when applied cold it just takes all the heat away. It can be applied a few times a day; the more applications used the more heat that is taken away from the burn. It is a very easy plant to grow and it is great for a wide range of skin conditions.

 Garlic is a great antibacterial and antiseptic. In our household it is commonly used for the sniffles and runny noses. It is mixed with honey for the children, as well as incorporated into our diet during meals.   The cloves can be cut and then applied to corns to help draw them out, or they can be applied topically to cuts and acne for its antiseptic action.

Comfrey is another great healing herb, though it is restricted for internal use within Australia. The bruised leaves can be easily applied to any bruising or sprains. I make an ointment that has proven to very effective for sore chapped lips, broken ribs, nappy rash and other minor starches and bruises. It can be easily applied to broken skin unlike arnica, which is another herb that is fantastic for bruises and sprains.

Chickweed is a common weed that is found throughout every country in the world. You would probably find one in your own backyard and could be unaware of its great healing, cleaning and anti-itching properties. It is great for eczema and itchy dermatitis. Its healing properties also make it good for burns and scalds. The ointments has great drawing properties and can be used to help remove toxins from boils and abscesses as well as draw out insect stings and stubborn splinters.

Calendula is another great healing herb that works very effectively on small capillaries. The cream is great for dry, sore skin irritations and as it also has antiseptic properties it is very useful on cuts and grazes. Calendula is a herb that is also effective on fungal conditions and it can be drunk in a tea and/or the cream applied externally.

Witch hazel like aloe is good for minor burns and sunburn, though it also has many other functions. It is a great astringent and it can be applied to cuts and scratches to stop bleeding. A cotton swab soaked in the distilled witch hazel will soon stop a bleeding wound. It is also effective on varicose veins, for bruises and sprains and it can even help soothe itchy insect bites.

If you are interested in more articles about herb subjects along this line, please let us know.
Check out our dried herbs at

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