The question that I get asked again and again by keen herb growers is
can I grow?’
This is such a broad question that it is
necessary narrow it down by taking into consideration factors that will be
influencing your herb growing.
The first thing you will need before anything
else is to find or have a place to grow herbs.
If you are already a land owner then problem
solved. If your block of land is large, then the question might be ‘where do I
If you are leasing land then the time frame
of your lease would be an influencing factor. It would not be recommended to
plant a long term tree crop on land that is not your own. Tree crops can take
up to 15 years to establish and it would be heart breaking to create such a
long term investment and then to lose it so close to harvest.
If you have not purchased land and you are
looking to buy land for the purpose of herb growing, them you might need to
take into consideration some factors in regards to the location of the possible
herb growing patch before purchasing the block. This might save some regrets
later on.
Remember that each site for herb growing will
have its own unique microclimate. Even on one block there may be many different
microclimate variations. These variations will be from factors such as other
established plants or trees, wind directions, slope of the land, water, sun
exposure etc.
It is possible to find herbs to suit your
microclimate, as there are so many to choose from, though if you want to grow
specific herbs, then it may be the case of creating a microclimate to suit
those specific herbs. Creating your own microclimate for these herbs can take
time. You might need to establish wind breaks, plant shade trees or do major
earthworks to build an environment to suit those herbs.
General guidelines for hot climates would be
an area that is sheltered from hot summer winds, (these can wipe out crops in 1
day), preferably with some afternoon shade. I have found these conditions suit
a large number of herbs that have been grown on the farm I had, here in Victoria I then look for places to plant my herbs in the afternoon sun. The
afternoon sun is always hotter than the morning sun and the air is hotter and
A northern facing slope will increase heat in
summer and in cooler southern regions this may be beneficial. Slope
will also play a factor on wind exposure.
What way does your land slope?
What is the direction of your summer or
winter winds?
The many varying microclimates on your block
of land and especially larger blocks can be used for planting different types
of herbs, though would you want patches of herbs scattered, or are you aiming
to focus on just one site?
These are questions that you may need to
There is not much that you can do about the
environmental climates, though it is possible to change microclimates,
remembering though that this can take time.
It is possible to create changes in
microclimates using larger herbs such as shrubs and trees. You might not have
any shelter from the winds for your liquorice crop, so why not plant some shrub
or tree crops next to the liquorice to help give it shelter from the hot winds.
Planting trees and shrubs in the right
locations and they will mutually benefit other plants and herbs on your block.
Every herb is very different in its
requirements. Herbs originate from many cultures and countries around the
world. It could be a possibility to liken your environment to a certain country
and then choose to grow herbs that originate from that area. This is one way of
deciding what to grow.
There may still be modifications that will be
needed to be made, though these modifications may not be as major than if your
were building a microclimate from scratch. Watering and shade are examples of
modifications that may be necessary, as is creating a 70% shade area to grow a
crop such as goldenseal.
Australia does have optimal requirements for herb
growing with good rainfall during the winter months (on a normal year) and
dryer and warmer summer months to help with drying the herbs and for weed
control. Warm summer months are great for constituent levels and high volatile
oil production with aromatic herbs.
Keep in mind every herb you grow will be
unique in its requirements and every site you choose will also be unique in its
Plants need water, oxygen and light to grow.
A well balanced and nutrient rich soil is very important when it comes to herbs
coping with more harsh or extreme conditions. (See Part 2 for Soil Conditions).
Rainfall affects herbs in many ways. There
are selected winter crops that are not reliant on irrigation, though they will
not benefit from flooding. These can be grown through the wetter periods of the
‘Real’ rain is great for the growth and
vitality of herbs, though rain at harvest time make harvesting and drying very
hard. Having the right rainfall at the right time is something that can not
always be guaranteed. (As we all know from the previous 2 years).
To put a figure on rainfall, 750mm to 1000mm
is a good range for rainfall. Providing of course it is at the right times.
Some places, more so in the southern regions might receive much more rainfall
and this can be beneficial as irrigation through those summer months might then
not be needed. Wet boggy areas in winter might be beneficial to some herbs,
though they might need water to keep them alive during the summer months.
If you have plenty of water then rainfall is
not a problem. You could irrigate all year round.
If you land is high in clay then waterlogging
would be a problem in winter, especially for those herbs prone to root rot or
fungal diseases. If you soil is has good drainage then this will not be a
problem during high rainfall periods.
Optimal conditions are moist soils with dry
sunny weather to give good growth. Drizzly rain that continues for days can
hinder growth and decrease vitality. Though, on the other hand dry conditions
will stop growth all together. Balance is the key when it comes to water
If you are wanting to find so great quality herbs visit our site
If you would like to learn more about herb growing and their uses,
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