Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Damiana - More sex and less stress!

Turnera diffusa – Damiana
Common Name – Damiana
Botanical name – Turnera diffusa

Family –Turneraceae

History - Damiana is traditionally an aphrodisiac used by the Maya people of Central America. It is used for both male and female sexual stimulation. The leaves are still used to flavour alcoholic drinks in Mexico and as a substitute for tea. Damiana is found growing in the Gulf of Mexico, the northern Caribbean islands and in Namibia. The native Brazilians used Damiana as an astringent and tonic tea.

Description - Damiana is an aromatic shrub that grows to  two metres. It has smooth pale green leaves that are pale green on the upper side and are glabrous with few hairs on the ribs on the underside. The flowers are small yellow single flowers arising from axils of the leaves.
Cultivation - Damiana grows from seed in spring. It prefers a hot humid climate. Damiana is now cultivated in the countries listed above.

Parts Used - The leaves are harvested when the herb is in full flower in Summer.

Active Constituents - Arbutin up to 7%. Volatile oil about 0.5 - 1%, deltacadinene 10% and thymol 4%, cineol, cymol and pinene. Cyanogenic glycoside – tetraphyllin, flavonoids, gonzalitosin, damianin.     Resins, tannins and gums Amorhous bitter principle called Damianain and trace amounts of phosphorus.

·         Nerve Tonic
·         Stimulant
·         Mild laxative
·         Diuretic
·         Testosterogenic
·         Aphrodisiac
·         Antiseptic
·         Thymoleptic
·         Stomachic

Indications - Damiana is a great tonic and restoring herb for the nervous system and for conditions such as anxiety, depression and stress. The thymol found in it also makes it toning as also as an antiseptic.  In helping to stimulate the body and mind it can be used for mild to moderate depression, or for nervous exhaustion.
It is indicated to help increase energy, to reduce the symptoms of asthma, depression, impotence as well as menstrual problems. It is also used as a general tonic to improve digestion and treat constipation.  
The aphrodisiac properties have been related to its Testosterogenic action. It has predominately been used for men and is useful in helping to treat premature ejaculation and impotence. It works to help bring oxygen into the genital area. Long term it will improve sexual fitness and performance.
Modern research has shown it to increase sperm count in males and the strength of eggs in females. It also helps with erectile dysfunction and anorgasmia.

Both men and women have been shown to benefit from its used and it is now considered as tonic and restorative to the reproductive organs of both men and women. For the female reproductive organs is has been found useful in treating delayed and painful menses, especially where headaches are indicated.
As Damiana contain antiseptic properties and constituents such as Arbutin, as well as being diuretic it has been found to be very useful in the treatment of urinary infections, especially in the urinary tubules.
Being a laxative Damiana has found a use in the treatment of constipation due to poor bowel tone.

It is also a great herbal remedy for anxiety and can help with normalising hormones in menopausal women. As a central nervous system depressant it will relax and control nervous responses.

 Daily Dosage - For mild depression take 30 drops of tincture daily with water.
1 cup of herb infusion can be drunk daily as a tonic. 2-4ml three times daily of 1:1
Capsules take  3 to 4 grams twice daily.
A fresh plant tincture of aerial portions may be made as well.
Damiana leaves are often infused in alcohol to make liqueurs or cordials.
Cautions - Care with overactive Nervous systems as it can initiate bowel troubles.

If you would like to purchase Damiana you can here 

Until next week, seeing you in happiness and health 
Louise Plant 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Yucca spp. - Yucca
Common Name – Yucca

Botanical Name – Yucca Filamentosa/ arborescens/ angustifolia/ aloifolia/ elata
Family -  Agavaceae
Other Names -  Spanish bayonet, Our Lord’s candle, Joshua Tree and Adam’s needle.  
Parts Used -  The powdered root
History - Its uses are far and wide as it is also used to make fibre and rope, as well as being a key ingredient in making soap due to its very high saponin content. The Papagos used the boil and mash the roots and they would use them as a cure for diabetes. The green pods were used as a food source.
Indian tribes used to boil or bake the fruits, eat the blossoms, chew the raw leaves and ferment the fruits for ceremonial purposes.

Description – There are over 50 species of perennial Yucca trees and shrubs, predominantly found in arid parts of North America and the Carribean. They commonly grow in hot and dry climates.
They are characterised by their stiff, evergreen, sword shaped leaves found on a stout trunk. They have a dense terminal flower head that resembles a candle. They all depend on pollination by nocturnal moths.
Active Constituents – Steroidal saponins called sarsasapogenin, Yuccaloeside B and Yuccaloeside C. Minerals, copper, beta carotene, calcium, fatty acids, folic acid, iron, riboflavin, tannins, polyphenols, sterols, reversatrol, magnesium and manganese.
·         Anti-inflammatory
·         Anti-arthritic
·         Aphrodisiac
·         Decreases platelet adhesion
·         Hypocholesteraemic
·         Laxative
·         Steroidal hormone activity
Indications – Yucca has been indicated for digestions, musculo skeletal issues, the urinary and the reproductive systems, this is why its greatest indication is for joint pain and inflammation. It has a high calorie content.
A report in 2006 in the Journal of Inflammations reported  that the antioxidants in Yucca can help to alleviate inflammation.

It is beneficial in treating colitis, hypertension, arthritis and migraines. There is also limited evidence suggesting it can reduce hypertension and high blood cholesterol. In 2003 a clinical trial was published in the Archives of Pharmacal Research showed that daily supplementation of Yucca and sarsaparilla decreased total and LDL cholesterol after 4 weeks.

Its high levels of Vitamin C and antioxidants helps it to boost immunity and more specifically the activity of the white blood cells. It helps in fighting both viruses and infections, with the high antioxidant levels protecting the body from cell mutations and free radical damage. Preliminary research in a 2003 study indicated Yucca’s ability to protect against oxidative stress by slowing the production of free radicals in blood platelets.

As it is rich in carbohydrates and has photo-protective properties it is valuable in promoting healthy skin, produces collagen the skin protein with the added benefit of folic acid to help overall skin and eye health. It will protect against sun damage. Other skin indications are for dandruff, baldness, sores and cuts, sprains, skin diseases and infections.
It is still used in soaps, shampoos and food supplements such as foaming agents and flavourings in soft drinks.

Dosage - Decoction: put l teaspoonful of the powdered root into a cup of cold water and bring to the boil. Leave for l0-l5 minutes. Drink 3 to 5 sups per day.
Take 2 to 4 capsules a day.
Cautions -  High and prolonged use may loosen the bowels and could cause bleeding. Over dosing can lead to nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. It is best avoided during pregnancy and breast feeding. It is best to avoid prolonged use.
If you would like to purchase Yucca, you can do so here 
Louise Plant 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Euphrasia officinalis – Eyebright
Herb Name - Eyebright
Botanical Name - Euphrasia officinalis
Family -  Scrophulariaceae

Parts Used -  Ariel parts

History - Eyebright was and continues to be used primarily as a poultice for the topical treatment of eye inflammations, including blepharitis, conjunctivitis, and styes. A compress made from a decoction of eyebright can give rapid relief from redness, swelling, and visual disturbances in acute and subacute eye infections. A tea is usually given internally along with the topical treatment. It has also been used for the treatment of eye fatigue and disturbances of vision. In addition, herbalists have recommended eyebright for problems of the respiratory tract, including sinus infections, coughs, and sore throat.

Description - Euphrasia officinalis has been used to refer to a vast genus containing over 450 species. European wild plants grow in meadows, pastures, and grassy places in Bulgaria, Hungary, and the former Yugoslavia. Eyebright is also grown commercially in Europe. The plant flowers in late summer and autumn. The whole herb is used in commercial preparations.

Active Constituents - Eyebright is high in iridoid glycosides, beta-carotenes, flavonoids, and tannins. The plant has astringent properties that probably account for its usefulness as a topical treatment for inflammatory states and its ability to reduce mucous drainage.

·         Anti-catarrhal
·         Anti-inflammatory
·         Astringent
·         Antibacterial
·         Mucous membrane tonic

Indications - Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), Conjunctivitis, Irritated eyes.
Eyebright can be used for a wide range of conditions relating to the respiratory system and excessive production of nasal catarrh. It is indicated for nasopharyngeal catarrh, chronic sinusitis, hay fever, serous otitis media, pharyngitis, catarrhal deafness and sinus headache.
Its combination for reducing allergy symptoms and supporting the lungs helps it to reduce mucus build up during colds and flus. This makes it extremely valuable at hay fever time.
It contains beta-carotene and flavonoids, this is part of its great activity for helping repair eyesight and the small blood vessels found in the eyes. In aiding circulation is a great herb for cognitive performance and to increase the memory.
The astringent and antibacterial activity will tighten porous oily skin and hence can be beneficial with healing acne and irritated skin. As an astringent, the herb is used to aid in the healing on skin wounds. It is made into a poultice and used on the wound topically. It can also be used to treat acne and aid in skin inflammation. A cold eyebright poultice can help tighten skin.

Dosage -  Traditional herbal texts recommend a compress made with 1 tablespoon of the dried herb combined with 0.5 litre of water and boiled for ten minutes. The undiluted liquid is used as a compress after cooling. This was commonly combined with antimicrobial herbs, such as goldenseal. The current German monograph on eyebright does not support this application, due to potential bacterial concerns.
For cataracts, weeping eye, pink eye (conjunctivitis), blood shot and strained eyes, an Eyebright tincture may help when used as an eyewash. To make an Eyebright eyewash, mix 5-8 drops of tincture in 2 cups of cool filtered water or boil 1 teaspoon of eyebright in 1 1/2 cup of water. Dilute the strained tea in a cup of cool rose water. Washing the affected eyes with this eyewash every 4 hours may alleviate the symptoms.
Internally, eyebright tea, made using the same formula above, can be drunk in the amount of two to three cups per day. Dried herb, as 2-4 grams three times per day, may be taken. The tincture is typically taken in 2-6 ml doses three times per day.
A great home remedy can be made by mixing 2 tbsp powder of the dried Eyebright, half tsp of ground mace, 2 tbsp of fennel seeds together, with honey to taste. Take half teaspoon of this mixture every morning with juice. Drinking one cup of Eyebright tea daily may improve gradual memory loss.

Cautions -  Due to limited information on the active constituents in eyebright and the need for sterility in substances used topically in the eyes, the traditional use of eyebright as a topical compress currently cannot be recommended. Used internally at the amounts listed above, eyebright is generally safe. However, its safety during pregnancy and lactation has not been proven.

You can purchase eyebright here